Born over 10 weeks early, “Tripp has been a fighter his whole life,” his mom reflects.

In April of 2019 6-year-old Tripp had been battling a fever for nearly five days. After various tests and numerous trips to the ER, a mother’s worst nightmare was confirmed: Tripp was diagnosed with Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia, or ALL.

“Your world comes crashing down.” Just having moved to North Carolina, Tripp’s mom was told to quit her job that same day. Taking care of Tripp became her top priority.

After being connected to Pinky Swear by a neighbor, Tripp’s mom applied for the All-Star Fund. “We were just drowning out there. Pinky Swear has paid our rent two or three times and has helped with utility bills.” Tripp and his family attended the All-Star Holiday Party, Pinky Swear’s Gala, and got to spend an All-Star Weekend away. “For things we can’t afford to do, it is so much fun for the kids.”

Tripp’s mom expresses that, “Pinky Swear’s support has meant everything. There are really no words because I cannot explain how much it means to us.”

Tripp continues to be “all boy,” loving bike rides, swimming, and nerf gun fights with his friends. A common childhood cancer, ALL
requires Tripp to be in treatment until 2022. He takes chemo every day along with his monthly hospital visits. “He’s a little pistol, that’s for sure. He is so resilient.”

Tripp’s mom advises people going through similar journeys to, “let people in. It’s so easy to shut people out whenever you go through something like this, but you have to just let people help you. It is always better to have that support.”